martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Autumn Walk in Rascafría Sunday 23rd October

Our walk will be from El Puente del Perdón to a place called Purgatorio!

We will visit the Arboreto and hopefully see the changing colour of the leaves.

A visit to the Centro de Educación Ambiental is also on the agenda.

There are natural pools called Las Presillas km 28.06 on the M604 where we can have our bocadillos.

Join us if you want. It's free.

All you have to do is tell us you are coming so that we can make a booking at the Centre.

Can't wait!

Nuestro paseo será del Puente de Perdón a un lugar llamado Cascadas del Purgatorio

Visitaremos el arboreto y con suerte veremos el cambio de tono de las hojas.

También tenemos prevista una visita al Centro de Educación Ambiental.

Hay unas piscinas naturales, Las Presillas, km 28.06 , M604 donde tomaremos nuestros bocadillos.

Acompañadnos si queréis. Es gratis.

Sólo hay que decirnoslo para hacer la reserva en el Centro.

Lo esperamos con ilusión.

The picture was taken on another walk in Cercedilla in November.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Free biscuits if you can tell me where this is. There's a clue below.

Ancient Ireland


I went by Food Hall today ( which is the English food shop in San Sebastián de los Reyes near the outlet shops behind Antena 3) and if you buy 20Euros worth of food and stuff which is very easy as they have tea and delicious chocolate and crackers and cheese.....mmmm....well, they give you a free packet of Dean's shortbread.

Also I have the latest copy of InMadrid as well as books and dvds to share. We must advertise our October walk there and in Plaza. Don't forget to let us know if you are coming!

I will be giving English for Travelling another push if anyone would like to help us choose a time and find a place.

The picture was taken in Sligo this year. Loved Sligo.

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011



We're back after a wonderful month of August totally disconnected from work and all that jazz.

The fact that we haven't had many new inscriptions and that the subsidy hasn't come through yet means that programmed activities such as Las Tardes Culturales in La Biblioteca Central ( where we would study together the poetry and writing of Oscar Wilde) are not taking place this year.
A live literary performance in November is still on the cards pending financial aid.


The walk will be in October.
Please let us know if you are coming. It will be on a Sunday morning.
Books and dvds can be exchanged by contacting us at our gmail address.
We enjoyed very much the Paperback Book Exchange at the Central Library in May and would like to know what you thought of it.

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Ana's back today. Ha vuelto Ana hoy.




New challenges - nuevos retos

Everything is changing and not always for the best unfortunately.
Todo cambia y no siempre para lo mejor desafortunadamente.

It is an upward struggle for most people most of the time.
Es una cuesta para la mayoría de las personas la mayoría del tiempo.

Some fresh air and fresh ideas are what's needed so let's all go for a walk.

Hacen falta aire fresco e ideas frescas asi que vámonos de paseo.

Our walks are lovely.
Nuestros paseos son preciosos.

See you soon.
Hasta pronto.