viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

This is the quote that Julie was telling us  is inscribed on a statue  of Oscar Wilde in Charing Cross.

We  are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.

Todos estamos en la cuneta pero algunos miramos las estrellas

Lord Darlington

What a coincidence that it is from the play we finished reading yesterday evening,  Lady Windermere's Fan.

Wonderful to see you again and hope those who couldn't make it will join us again on the 11th.

The quota

The quota is the same as last year and we renew it when we remember to every year. 

It's 15E payable to 

Asociación Educativa Oscar Wilde

La Caixa (beside La U.P.)

2100- 1984 -72- 0200130268

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012


ASEDOW is offering a 30h course for adult learners.
You can find out more by contacting us at

Basically it is for people who have studied English, it's in their head but they are unsure how to use it.

It starts in November and there will be only two classes in December and we begin again in January.
You will be paying for three months.

So these are the dates to mark in your calendar if you are interested:

21st Nov
28th Nov
5th Dec
12th Dec
9th Jan
16th Jan
23rd Jan
30th Jan
6th Feb
13th Feb
20th Feb
27th Feb

Hope you can take advantage of this great opportunity.

Best website

This is a great website for the native speaker as you can click into listening to your local radio station so easily.
For learners you can test your English and find lots of attractive exercises to do-
Mark it as a favourite.