lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

A beautiful film

Wolfwalkers  was nominated for an Oscar this year.

Wolfwalkers / Espiritú de lobo did not win the Oscar but no one can take away the achievement of reaching such heights.

It s a beautifully illustrated storybook of a film.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2021

Travelling Exhibition

 There is a remarkable exhibition of ink paintings by Francisco Goya in La Universidad Popular de San Sebastián De Los Reyes depicting terrible scenes from the early 19th century.

We have etchings from the Disasters of War and his  acidic criticism of the foolishness of the society he lived in  from Los Caprichos.

The focus of this exhibition which ends on April 23rd is on women, in many cases the terrible suffering of women.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2021

The Art Of Telling Stories

 The seanchaí or story teller was always a very welcome guest in Ireland and families would sit around and listen enthralled to his stories.They were the custodians of ancient lore and tales of wisdom.

Whether it is a gift or a technique, there is  no  doubt that story telling is pure entertainment and today we have the opportunity to enjoy stories in Spanish at the local library.

Biblioteca Marcos Ana 

Metro Baunatal

Friday 16th April 2021 at 19:30h

domingo, 4 de abril de 2021

Happy Easter!


Easter is a movable feast governed by the first full moon after 21st March.

The first Sunday after that full moon is Easter Sunday, between the two extreme dates of 22nd March and 25th April.

Picture by Peter Mc Kee



Vaccines which have been approved to protect against COVID 19 are being rolled out.

There is an international commitment to deliver vaccines to low and middle income countries that comprise 60% of the world population. The term they use is COVAX which stands for Covid Vaccines Access.

The ACT Accelerator Its aim is to accelerate access to tests, treatment and vaccines.