domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018


Here is something interesting to read before you come to the discussion on Wednesday. Juana has proposed a discussion about the reasons women choose not to have babies.
The articles show that this is not just a sensation that we have and notice but actually an occurrence in today´s society and Juana wants to know why.

Avda Baunatal 18
Universidad Popular
Primera planta
Metro Baunatal

See you there on Wednesday 30th May at 6 p.m.

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018

Any ideas about what to do with all the plastic?

Who is ultimately  responsible for solving the problem of plastic pollution?

This week, on Asun´s suggestion, we will be talking about plastic pollution and our responsibility for it.

See below  a video about a great use of recycled plastic in Colombia

This  huge problem is of great concern to us so we look forward to hearing what you think at our talks on Wednesday 23rd May 2018
See you!
Be prepared...
For links and more information, write to us at

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

Making a first good impression

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. 

You shouldn´t judge a book by looking at its cover.

Which of these expressions are correct?
Do they contradict each other?
Have you ever been absolutely wrong about a person?
Have you ever judged a person completely incorrectly?
Come and tell us.

When people look for someone to vote for, apparently  they are looking for someone competent and they often make the choice basing the decision on the  photograph of the candidates. So this is an interesting point of study.

Thanks for this week´s  topic and links, Mari Carmen!

Our talks.18.30 
First floor
Universidad Popular ,San Sebastián De Los Reyes 
16 th May  18.00h

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018

The impact of technology on our future

This is the talking point Belino has prepared for us along with these questions.

´´And now some questions “to heat” the debate, if we have time:

Does technology disrupt the truth?

Can we blame social media for causing fake news? 

Do the mainstream media also produce fake news?

Is “fake news” the fault of social media?

Are we living in a post-truth society where it is very easy to spread hoaxes and falsehoods?´´

Wednesday 9th May 18.30h

Write to us at

if you wish to join the debate.

Luckily we have a relevant article from The Irish Times which should be useful to prepare the discussion.