I tried to remember that quote from Oscar Wilde but he is such an artist with words that approximations never do him justice..
Here is an extract from yesterdays reading, 'The Ideal Husband'
Sir Robert Chiltern, the respected and admired Underscretary for Foreign affairs, wrestles with the possibility of seeing his whole world collapse because eighteen years beforehand
'he laid the foundation of his fortune by selling to a Stock Exchange speculator a cabinet secret.'
and admits
'Wealth has given me enormous power.'
Lord Goring does not understand ,
'How you of all the men could have been so weak as to yield to such temptation.'
And yet Sir Robert still argues,
'To stake all one's life on a single moment,to risk everything on one throw, whether the stake be power or pleasure, I care not - there is no weakness in that.'
What a plot, what an argument!
miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012
martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde
This is the intriguing title of our next reading. It is a play by Wilde with lots of colourful characters and his provocative witticisms. The plot is woven around guilt and the terrible fear of being caught.
He describes life's temptations :
' ....he expounded to us the most terrible of all philosophies, the philososophy of power, preached to us the most marvellous of all gospels, the gospel of gold'
and remorse
'I have distributed twice over in public charities since then'
'In public charities? Dear me, what a lot of harm you must have done.'
Wilde preferred social justice over charity.
We will read the first two acts hopefully.
viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012
This is the quote that Julie was telling us is inscribed on a statue of Oscar Wilde in Charing Cross.
We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.
Todos estamos en la cuneta pero algunos miramos las estrellas
Lord Darlington
What a coincidence that it is from the play we finished reading yesterday evening, Lady Windermere's Fan.
Wonderful to see you again and hope those who couldn't make it will join us again on the 11th.
We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.
Todos estamos en la cuneta pero algunos miramos las estrellas
Lord Darlington
What a coincidence that it is from the play we finished reading yesterday evening, Lady Windermere's Fan.
Wonderful to see you again and hope those who couldn't make it will join us again on the 11th.
The quota
The quota is the same as last year and we renew it when we remember to every year.
It's 15E payable to
Asociación Educativa Oscar Wilde
La Caixa (beside La U.P.)
2100- 1984 -72- 0200130268
It's 15E payable to
Asociación Educativa Oscar Wilde
La Caixa (beside La U.P.)
2100- 1984 -72- 0200130268
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012
ASEDOW is offering a 30h course for adult learners.
You can find out more by contacting us at asedow@gmail.com.
Basically it is for people who have studied English, it's in their head but they are unsure how to use it.
It starts in November and there will be only two classes in December and we begin again in January.
You will be paying for three months.
So these are the dates to mark in your calendar if you are interested:
21st Nov
28th Nov
5th Dec
12th Dec
9th Jan
16th Jan
23rd Jan
30th Jan
6th Feb
13th Feb
20th Feb
27th Feb
Hope you can take advantage of this great opportunity.
You can find out more by contacting us at asedow@gmail.com.
Basically it is for people who have studied English, it's in their head but they are unsure how to use it.
It starts in November and there will be only two classes in December and we begin again in January.
You will be paying for three months.
So these are the dates to mark in your calendar if you are interested:
21st Nov
28th Nov
5th Dec
12th Dec
9th Jan
16th Jan
23rd Jan
30th Jan
6th Feb
13th Feb
20th Feb
27th Feb
Hope you can take advantage of this great opportunity.
Best website
This is a great website for the native speaker as you can click into listening to your local radio station so easily.
For learners you can test your English and find lots of attractive exercises to do-
Mark it as a favourite.
This is a great website for the native speaker as you can click into listening to your local radio station so easily.
For learners you can test your English and find lots of attractive exercises to do-
Mark it as a favourite.
viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012
We look forward to seeing all of you who expressed interest in the shared readings in La Biblioteca Central, San Sebastián de los Reyes.
So, we start again on Wednesday the 7th November and we will continue with Wilde.
The last two acts of Lady Windermere's Fan.
We will put a poster up soon of the dates of forthcoming readings.
In November, we have a course for budding travellers.
With luck we will have a day in the country too so watch this space!
miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012
Travels with my son Eduardo&Eduardo
año decidimos mi hijo y yo hacer un viaje mitad turístico, mitad
para mejorar nuestro inglés.
year my son and I decided to do a bit of tourism and improve our
primera etapa fue en Gran Bretaña y el punto de entrada fue
Stansted. Esta pequeña localidad nos sirvió como lugar para
asentarnos y durante los tres días que estuvimos en Reino Unido ,
poder visitar Londres y Cambridge.
first stage of our trip was Stansted airport, GB. We stayed in this
area and from there visited London and Cambridge during our three day
hotel and airport were well communicated and the good bus and train
service meant we could move around very
Londres visitamos todos los puntos de interés de una visita a la
capital Británica, contando además con unos magníficos días de
buen tiempo.
London we visited all the places of interest and had wonderful
weather to do so.
estos días de sol, preferimos ver Londres paseando por sus calles,
disfrutar del corto verano y curiosear todos sus rincones. Esta vez
nada de museos o lugares cerrados.
weather was too good to spend time indoors in museums so we walked
around exploring every little corner.
calles como Oxford Street, Qeen Victoria, Piccadilly estaban llenas
de actividad y sus plazas a reventar de turistas. Los edificios más
emblemáticos animaban a verlos con detenimiento.
such as Oxford Street , Queen Victoria and Picadilly were choc a
bloc with people, things to do and tourists. We wandered around
studying the most emblematic buildings of the city.
estaban los preparativos de las Olimpiadas que fue otro motivo para
descubrir curiosidades.
we were there just before the Olympic Games and so saw the
preparatory work which was really interesting.
visita a Cambridge era para disfrutar de la tranquilidad de sus
calles centenarias y respirar el clima de estudio de esa pequeña
visit to Cambridge was spent enjoying the quiet streets and breathing
in the atmosphere of study in this centenary university town.
con la finalización del curso en Cambridge, tuvimos la oportunidad
de contemplar la graduación de sus alumnos y callejear por sus
calles de gran encanto.
were able to see the students graduate as our visit coincided with
the end of the university year. Absolutely charming.
museos, os los recomendamos no os los podéis perder, así como
entrar y pasear por sus ancestrales Colegios.
you go to Cambridge make sure you visit its museums and take a walk
inside the ancient university.
unos días intensos pero esto, solo era la escala para llegar a
Dublín donde teníamos pensado estar las próximas dos semanas.
very intense days but they were just a prelude to our two week trip
to Dublin.
llegada a la capital de Irlanda en avión, hace pensar en una ciudad
mayor de lo que realmente es. Pasados unos días, la conocíamos
mejor que a la propia Madrid.
into Dublin by plane you think the city is bigger than it actually
is. Soon we would know it better than Madrid.
instalarlos en una familia. Además de lo cordiales que son los
irlandeses, tuvimos la suerte de estar estas dos semanas en la casa
de John. Un entrañable y familiar irlandés. No hubo noche, que no
nos diera la madrugada hablando de cualquier tema.
were staying with a family. Irish people are good natured on the
whole and we had the immense pleasure of staying in John's house for
two weeks. A memorably kind, friendly Irishman. Not a night went by
that we wouldn't be sitting up talking until the small hours.
la semana teníamos un curso intensivo en Dublín pero eso no quitaba
para que visitáramos sus museos, recorriéramos sus calles o
disfrutáramos del encanto de sus exuberantes jardines.
the week we had to do our crash course in English but still, we
managed to visit Dublin's museums, explore its streets and savour its
beautiful, exuberant parks and gardens.
compra de libros en su versión original como The Picture of Dorian
Gray de Oscar Wilde o Dubliners de James Joyce, era casi una
obligación. Así como visitar sus esculturas una, la de Wilde en
Merrion Square y la de James en O´Connell Street.
was compelled to buy these books in the original English
version....The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and Dubliners by
James Joyce. Another must do was to see the statue of Wilde in
Merrion Square and one of James Joyce in Dublin's main thoroughfare,
O' Connell Street.
visita a sus Pubs, es una obligación y cuando crees que ya conoces
todo sobre cervezas lo mejor una visita a Guinness Storehouse.
to the pubs are also compulsory when you are in Dublin. When you
think you know all there is to know about beer and ale then you have
to go to The Guinness Storehouse.
fines de semana eran para alejarnos de la ciudad y visitar sus
pequeños pueblos, sus granjas, sus castillos y los centros de
interés como los Cliffs of Moher o Glendaloch.
were spent getting away from the city and so we went to villages,
farms, castles, the Cliffs of Moher and Glendalough the ancient
Celtic Christian settlement.
el curso, nos fue muy bien y además de probar el examen final,
conocimos a personas que como nosotros juntaban sus vacaciones con el
for the couse, it went really well and we passed our exams. We got to
know others who were combining tourism and language learning just
like us.
estos viajes, si nos proponemos en salirnos del turismo convencional
de hotel y restaurante podemos traernos un pedacito de estos países
y sus gentes con nosotros además de hablar y compartir experiencias.
trips like this if you make the effort to get away from the typical
tourist hotels and restaurants you can bring back a piece of the
country and people you visit through the conversations and
experiences shared.
año próximo volveremos a preparar algo parecido seguramente, porque
nos salió muy bien en todos los sentidos
year my son and I will do another trip because this one turned out so
well in every sense.
martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012
I got a feeling
If Madrid is a contestant for the Olympic Games again PLEASE don't let them paper the cities with that awful phrase:
I feel it in my bones.
It may be correct but it's eery.
Kilcoo used a better phrase for their gaelic football team's good performance and hopes. Choose from:
I got a feeling/I gotta feeling (colloquial)
I've got a feeling
As you know this is the first line of the original song by the Black Eyed Peas and the words have been adapted for the clip below.
I feel it in my bones.
It may be correct but it's eery.
Kilcoo used a better phrase for their gaelic football team's good performance and hopes. Choose from:
I got a feeling/I gotta feeling (colloquial)
I've got a feeling
As you know this is the first line of the original song by the Black Eyed Peas and the words have been adapted for the clip below.
lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012
Fun videoclip
Gotta keep reading
Cos this books's gonna be a good book
Cos this book's gonna be a good good book to read.
Cos this books's gonna be a good book
Cos this book's gonna be a good good book to read.
lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012
Here's a place to check out and right now is the time to do it!
These are rehearsal studios in Alcobendas.
Who knows...your original gift may be the first step on the road to fame!
But not only that.
You can have one to one guitar classes and even have elocution lessons with Jordi who will teach you how to behave before a microphone.
But not only that.
You can also buy your friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, grandson whatever a gift voucher for a drum lesson. a guitar lesson or an hour in a fully equipped, soundproof room where he and his friends can live the guitar hero rock star dream. Who knows...your original gift may be the first step on the road to fame!
Penelope Cruz put Alcobendas on the map when she received her Oscar saying 'I grew up in a place called Al-co-bendas.'
It is right beside San Sebastián de los Reyes, better known as Sanse, and about ten minutes north of Madrid on the Burgos Road.
The rehearsal studios are near the metro stop La Granjadomingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012
After the lull over the summer holidays we look forward to offering a variety of ways of getting together just to use your English and any suggestions you would like to make will be very welcome.
If you have difficulty accessing the blog, please contact us here:
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012
School books and a bit of romance
The books
Don't forget to go by La Biblioteca Central metro Baunatal,San Sebastián de los Reyes before buying this year's text books because you might be able to pick up the course books you need for this year.
You can leave last year's text books for others to use rather than throw them away.
The Romance
Avril Lavigne and Nickelback frontman Chad Kroegerp, the Canadian rockers are engaged to be married.
Their relationship has been so quiet that few even knew they were dating. Now, after a six-month courtship they have anounced their engagement.
Lavigne, 27, and Kroeger, 37, first got together in February to co-write a song for Lavigne's upcoming fifth studio album.
On Aug. 8, Kroeger popped the question, presenting Lavigne with a 14-carat diamond sparkler.
Don't forget to go by La Biblioteca Central metro Baunatal,San Sebastián de los Reyes before buying this year's text books because you might be able to pick up the course books you need for this year.
You can leave last year's text books for others to use rather than throw them away.
The Romance
Avril Lavigne and Nickelback frontman Chad Kroegerp, the Canadian rockers are engaged to be married.
Their relationship has been so quiet that few even knew they were dating. Now, after a six-month courtship they have anounced their engagement.
Lavigne, 27, and Kroeger, 37, first got together in February to co-write a song for Lavigne's upcoming fifth studio album.
On Aug. 8, Kroeger popped the question, presenting Lavigne with a 14-carat diamond sparkler.
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
The 'Documenta' in Kassel,
Joan Miró museum in Mallorca.
Dalí's museum in Figueras.
amazing but
A.I.R. Museum in San Sebastian de los Reyes makes an impact such as
when you visit
Parque Guëll in Barcelona for the first time.
the name A.I.R. Museum comes from Artist in Residence, a way of life
for artists who live and exhibit from their lofts in New York but this artist turned the complete
loft into a 'walk in' work of art but not one piece is for sale.
in and you are engulfed in Art. Everywhere you look is a piece more
intricate than the last and the whole is a kaleidoscope of colour
peppered with the philosophy of the Master of Ceremonies who
generously and at no cost explains all you are seeing - This is the
Artist himself, Nacho Paswal.
he was not in residence he changed the name of the museum to el indio Mocaqua. Nacho is bursting with stories to tell, experiences to share
and a creative spirit that needed to soar to the heights of his
accomplishment. And he accomplished it all.
But he had to close the door and walk away in frustration.
is not Barcelona.
is it exactly ?
Avenida del Cerro del Aguila with a grandstand view of San
Sebastian de los Reyes football stadium.
football supporters sing this song.
is not football.
miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012
The Arts
Alcobendas Art Centre kindly keeps us informed about upcoming exhibitions.
This one starts in September and our next walk could be through the city.
Modern Art certainly gives you something to talk about.
Viveiro, Feria de Artesanía
If you are in Galicia this summer, visit the Popular Craft Fair in Viveiro.
José has a stand there from the 10th to the19th August and you will be able to see the complete collection of his jewellery.
Moucho bracelet, the piece which was was on display in Burgos along with nineteen other selected pieces of popular craft, didn't win the prize but José is happy at the good exposure.
Who knows, it may be for sale.
Rhapsody in blue is the piece he presented in El Certamen de Antonio Fraguas in A Coruña.
We have no news yet.
'No news is good news,' we always say.
This comes from Tourist Information Viveiro
The local holiday is celebrated on August 15 in Saint Roque and the Virgin´s honour. There are events such as the popular craft trade fair, the ascent and the pilgrimage to the mountain of Saint Roque ( it takes place on August 16 in the small hours ) the day of the enormous heads in the Nogueiras, the cycle race, the championship of trap shooting.
Sounds like lots of fun.
José is our vice president and founding member of ASEDOW . He doesn't speak much English, he doesn't even like it but he does believe English language learning could be more accessible and his help and artistic talent have been invaluable.
José has a stand there from the 10th to the19th August and you will be able to see the complete collection of his jewellery.
Moucho bracelet, the piece which was was on display in Burgos along with nineteen other selected pieces of popular craft, didn't win the prize but José is happy at the good exposure.
Who knows, it may be for sale.
Rhapsody in blue is the piece he presented in El Certamen de Antonio Fraguas in A Coruña.
We have no news yet.
'No news is good news,' we always say.
This comes from Tourist Information Viveiro
The local holiday is celebrated on August 15 in Saint Roque and the Virgin´s honour. There are events such as the popular craft trade fair, the ascent and the pilgrimage to the mountain of Saint Roque ( it takes place on August 16 in the small hours ) the day of the enormous heads in the Nogueiras, the cycle race, the championship of trap shooting.
Sounds like lots of fun.
José is our vice president and founding member of ASEDOW . He doesn't speak much English, he doesn't even like it but he does believe English language learning could be more accessible and his help and artistic talent have been invaluable.
A head full of stories
Maeve Binchy was a wonderful story teller which is a great gift that is well appreciated in Ireland.
She eased the way into reading for young dreamy girls who devoured her stories and developed a love for reading and with time, for Literature.
You will see her books at all the airport lounges.
Buy one and you will learn a lot about contemporary Ireland and England.
She has left this world and we raise our hats to her.
(This Irish writer's name is pronounced /meɪv/)
domingo, 29 de julio de 2012
This is really interesting
After seeing the teams of Great Britain and Ireland in the Olympic Games parade after the beautiful opening ceremony in London the question lingered. What about Northern Ireland? They usually compete with the United Kingdom team.
Well Aelish found the reply:
Bid, you're right they are saying team GB and team Ireland.
Northern Ireland athletes are allowed to choose which team they wanted to be on.
Fourteen of twenty chose Ireland.
Well Aelish found the reply:
Bid, you're right they are saying team GB and team Ireland.
Northern Ireland athletes are allowed to choose which team they wanted to be on.
Fourteen of twenty chose Ireland.
jueves, 26 de julio de 2012
Summer storms
At last the rain.
Still, Madrid is the place for the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.
And a nap in the afternoon provides the energy to enjoy the summer evenings.
July is always the hottest month but for some reason August is the month when the inhabitants desert the city and leave it like a ghost town - not the best time to invite the family and friends over -unless you include a trip away to the sea or the mountains in your invitation.
Happy holidays!
Roll on the Olympic Games!
Still, Madrid is the place for the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.
And a nap in the afternoon provides the energy to enjoy the summer evenings.
July is always the hottest month but for some reason August is the month when the inhabitants desert the city and leave it like a ghost town - not the best time to invite the family and friends over -unless you include a trip away to the sea or the mountains in your invitation.
Happy holidays!
Roll on the Olympic Games!
domingo, 15 de julio de 2012
15th July
Any travel tales you want to share?
Last year Ana shared her adventures in the U.S.A.
The year before Patricia told us about her experience in Cambodia.
We'd love to hear from our friends and associates.
jueves, 5 de julio de 2012
This must be Malta!
The cannon, the fortifications.
Yes, this must be Malta. There are cannons everywhere.
The yacht is leaving the Grand Harbour in Valletta.
A great picture courtesy of Hugo.
Check out this site
martes, 26 de junio de 2012
martes, 12 de junio de 2012
The fine things in life
Have a look at José´s homage to George Gershwin. A beautiful piece he calls Rhapsody in Blue. If only he would add the music!
It's also the piece he has entered for a contest in lovely Galicia.
If you saw the film on Channel 2 this evening,The Good Woman with Helen Hunt and Scarlett Johannsen based on Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde, come and enjoy the original....Biblioteca Central Sanse. 19h30 12th June ..(today)
Have a look at José´s homage to George Gershwin. A beautiful piece he calls Rhapsody in Blue. If only he would add the music!
It's also the piece he has entered for a contest in lovely Galicia.
If you saw the film on Channel 2 this evening,The Good Woman with Helen Hunt and Scarlett Johannsen based on Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde, come and enjoy the original....Biblioteca Central Sanse. 19h30 12th June ..(today)
sábado, 2 de junio de 2012
Lady Windermere's Fan
We'll be reading the first two acts at the same venue but with another change of date.
It has to be on June 12th.
Contact us at our gmail address if this event interests you.
It has to be on June 12th.
Contact us at our gmail address if this event interests you.
viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012
Latest activities
The walk on Sunday 20th organised by E.O.I Sanse went very well. As Eduardo says there is always an element of surprise on these walks as you never know how many people will turn up. The weather was unpredictable and Eduardo thought he would have to turn back as he was on his own but at 9.30 there were twelve people ready to set out. And just as well they did because they were able to help a lady in distress who needed medical attention for a broken wrist. All in all it was a very successful walk with students from Rivas participating and chatting away in English.
Yesterday's reading of the works of Oscar Wilde at the library, Biblioteca Central, was lovely too. Again we are never sure who will turn up but thankfully there are always the ones we can rely upon to make it fun, interesting and relaxing.
The Ballad of Reading Gaol is always very moving. How brilliantly and carefully each word is chosen by this great writer.
Julie's suggestion of a reading from Lady Windermere's Fan for the next get together is excellent
It will be the last for a while and we want to end with something light hearted that will always bring a smile to our lips when we think of Oscar Wilde.
The Paperback Book Exchange in the foyer of Biblioteca Central gave people the opportunity to exchange some really good books and others like Daniel who is leaving Spain donated some good readers, his playstation 2 games and some good dvds to this association.
We will organise another one soon.
At La Biblioteca Central the Irish poet, John Liddy, was delighted with the audience of children and their parents who turned up to read, listen and talk about his new book of children's stories. on el día de San Isidro.
Ascen and Raquel were charming hostesses and presented the writer to his enthusiastic audience.
One lucky winner took a new book home.
It's called Cuentos Cortos En Inglés and the editorial is Bruño.
Yesterday's reading of the works of Oscar Wilde at the library, Biblioteca Central, was lovely too. Again we are never sure who will turn up but thankfully there are always the ones we can rely upon to make it fun, interesting and relaxing.
The Ballad of Reading Gaol is always very moving. How brilliantly and carefully each word is chosen by this great writer.
Julie's suggestion of a reading from Lady Windermere's Fan for the next get together is excellent
It will be the last for a while and we want to end with something light hearted that will always bring a smile to our lips when we think of Oscar Wilde.
The Paperback Book Exchange in the foyer of Biblioteca Central gave people the opportunity to exchange some really good books and others like Daniel who is leaving Spain donated some good readers, his playstation 2 games and some good dvds to this association.
We will organise another one soon.
At La Biblioteca Central the Irish poet, John Liddy, was delighted with the audience of children and their parents who turned up to read, listen and talk about his new book of children's stories. on el día de San Isidro.
Ascen and Raquel were charming hostesses and presented the writer to his enthusiastic audience.
One lucky winner took a new book home.
It's called Cuentos Cortos En Inglés and the editorial is Bruño.
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012
The hawthorn bush
There's a walk on Sunday and the meeting point is EL Punto de Encuentro 9.30h in The Sports Centre of Dehesa Boyal San Sebastián de los Reyes or alternatively Metro Baunatal 9.00h.
Bring your camera and try to take a prettier picture than this one if you can!
Bring your camera and try to take a prettier picture than this one if you can!
lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012
Aquí estamos un año más con la campaña de intercambio de libros. Este año teneis que daros prisa, porque solo estaremos del 15 al 19 (ambos inclusive).
Igual que en la edición pasada, puedes traer tus libros en inglés y cambiarlos por otros sin que te cueste nada.
Os esperamos del 15 al 19 de mayo en la Biblioteca Central de S. Sebastián de los Reyes.
Igual que en la edición pasada, puedes traer tus libros en inglés y cambiarlos por otros sin que te cueste nada.
Os esperamos del 15 al 19 de mayo en la Biblioteca Central de S. Sebastián de los Reyes.
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