Alejandro Briongos Martinez from CEIP Principe Felipe
My Friend Bird
In the Senior Category
Blanca Marabini San Martín from I.E.S. San Fernando
The Genie's Home
For the jury the stories were fascinating and it was a difficult choice.
Here are moments of the prize giving event. Some of the participants read their stories to the audience. The beautiful souvenir booklets were prepared by José.
Blanca's winning story and her English are amazingly good.
Iván from CEIP Antonio Machado broke the ice and read his story about the witch Maruja and everyone admired his pictures as well as his good reading.
Eunice from I.E.S. Joan Miró read 'An Ordinary Night' a very good plot indeed.
Finally Beatriz from I.E.S. San Juan Buatista read 'Don't Give Up' a wonderful story giving hope to people in a hopeless situation.
Sofía didn't come to read 'The Mysterious Tree.' but her teacher from CEIP Antonio Machado picked up her diploma. I highly recommend it. We loved the pictures too.
The jury especially enjoyed The Super Vegetables by Irene from CEIP Principe de Asturias, The Sea Prince by Violeta Pascual CEIP Principe Felipe,, One Summer Day. by Barbara, CEIP Antonio Machado, Come On Sweetie by Carmen and The Selection by Claudia from I.E.S. Joan Miró.
Irene and Ana were there but didn't read their stories. Maybe next year.
After the event the children had the opportunity to mingle with Ann Marie, Attaché for Cultural affairs from the Irish Embassy in Madrid and Patricia, Attaché for European Affairs during Ireland's Presidency for the E.U. and Audrey who stepped in for Jane Anne the third jury member. The event was also attended by Mar, la Concejala de Cultura de San Sebastián de los Reyes
We greatly appreciate your kind words and support.
That is the end of the 2013 ASEDOW Story Competition.