viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014


We will be dipping into the classics this year.
Many have been brought to the Big Screen.
Starting with the man that practically created Christmas spirit .... CHARLES DICKENS.
It was an anonymous short story that started Dickens's rise to fame.
Entitled A Dinner at Poplar Walk Dickens' first published story appeared in the Monthly Magazine in 1833'.

This is very appropriate and short enough.
 Dickens, a friend to the poor, never lost the feeling of what it was like to be a child.
 The film I would definitely recommend is the musical Oliver!

Biblioteca Central  
13th January 19.15h

lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014

Theatre Outings

These are the two plays we went to see to round off 2014.
Both brilliant.

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

Merry Christmas

And a happy new year!

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Happy Wednesday

Para los peques:

Escuchar   Cuentos en inglés: Los Tres Cerditos

Ver            Peppa Pig video en inglés....Peppa pide sus regalos a Papa Noël

Hacer        Dibujar una tarjeta de navidad de Papa Noel bajando la  

¡menos mal que no le pasará lo mismo que al lobo de los tres cerditos!

Para los adultos:

Conversation on the Christmas theme.

For links to topic: contact us at

Sala 1.1. Universidad Popular Sanse miércoles 17 diciembre Niños acompañados por un adulto: 18.00h Adultos: 18.30h

Ser socio de ASEDOW sólo cuesta 15€ al año

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

Here he is back again!

An old friend.
Do you remember No - Bot? The robot with no bot?
Well, that's the story you can hear again on Wednesday 10th.
Sala 1.1.
18:00h - 18:30h
La U.P.
Metro Baunatal
For parents and children to enjoy together a story and a fun activity.

After this, the topic of conversation for the adult group will be the ethics of  big pharmaceutical companies.

18:30 - 20h

Contact us at for links and information

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Lecturas compartidas en inglés

This will be our last reading for 2014. 
Raquel has found a wonderful poignant tale  by Truman Capote evoking childhood memories of Christmas in a small town in America.
If you are interested in attending, please contact us at Biblioteca Central or write to

Tuesday 9th December 2014
Biblioteca Central
Metro Baunatal

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

A Change

We will use the first Wednesday of the month to get together and plan the children's stories  and topics of conversation for the month ahead as well as discuss any good ideas and suggestions our associates might have.
It is also the day when the association will open its door to visitors and answer any queries.

Wilde flowers
A hawthorn bush in San Sebastián De Los Reyes

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

On Wednesday we have a story called
Where the wild things are: Donde los salvajes.
A little boy doesn't want to go to bed so he goes on a wonderful adventure
Children accompanied by an adult
Sala 1.1. Universidad Popular
Nov 26th 6:00p.m.

Then at 6.30 p.m.

The talking group will discuss the plan to go ahead  with deep sea drilling for oil off the Canary Islands.
If you would like to join in the discussion, write to for the links.

Then if you want to be a member, it costs only 15€ a year.

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

El miércoles libre

El miércoles 19 de noviembre no habrá cuentacuentos ni charlas informales.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

11th and 12th November

Contact us at if you would like to receive the short story we will read at the library. (Biblioteca Central Sanse)

Tuesday 11th November at 19.15h
Biblioteca Central San Sebastián de los Reyes
A travel tale  by contemporary  American writer and actress Miranda July.
It is called 'Roy Spivey'
To read together and discuss

Children's story time will be on Wednesday 12th Nov  18:00h  - 18:30h
La U.P. Sanse

Wednesday 12th November at 18.30
TOPIC: Prisons

La U.P. Sanse Wednesday 12th Nov 18:30h 

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

ASEDOW is an oasis of peace in a busy  world.

On Friday at seven in the Biblioteca Central in San Sebastián de los Reyes we had the the pleasure of listening to our contestants read their stories to us.

Violeta read 'The Man who Creates'. A very clever tale indeed.

Irene read us her funny story called 'The Humble Omelette.'

Irene's sister, last year's winner, Blanca Marabini San Martin, had  a brilliant entry for this year's competition entitled 'A glimpse of the stars'

Iván came back again this year with another very well told story 'Loneliness King.'


Alejandro, Alejandra and Dylan were there but too shy to read their stories.
Next year they will I am sure, just as Irene read hers this year. It was a pleasure to be in your company.
Pragya and Marta explained their absence.

The Senior Category winner is Marta Pérez with The boy and the painting

The Junior Category winner is Pablo Sánchez with The selfish sheep.

You must collect your prize in person as, understandably, we have to meet you and congratulate you.

You have a month to pick up the prize. 

Sala 1.1.
Universidad Popular
Sebastián de los Reyes
Metro Baunatal
Wednesday evening between 19.00h and 20.30h.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


La Entrega de Premios tendrá lugar el viernes 24 de octubre a las 19h.
Los participantes recibirán su cuento publicado en un precioso librito  que deberán guardar como un tesoro.

Además recibirán de ASOCIACIÓN EDUCATIVA OSCAR WILDE  un certificado de reconocimiento por haber participado en nuestro concurso de cuentos para chicos de 8 a 18 años.
Ha sido muy díficil elegir los ganadores y la lástima es que sólo podamos dar dos premios.
Oscar Wilde estaría orgulloso de vosotros.

Esta entrega de premios está abierta al público y nos encantaría tener mucho público para animar a nuestros jovenes escritores que bien merecen un aplauso.

ASEDOW os ofrece actividades para extender vuestros conocimientos del idioma. Es vuestra asociación para que vosotros uliticéis vuestro inglés para ir mejorando vuestros conocimientos hasta dominar el idioma.
Ser socio de ASEDOW cuesta sólo 15€ al año.

Public Library Biblioteca Central San Sebastián de los Reyes

ASEDOW's monthly meeting to read literature in English will be held tomorrow at 1915h.
Normally we meet on the second Tuesday of the month.
Tomorrow 21st October 2014 we will be reading Truman Capote's 'Miriam.'
Come along and read this intriguing story with us.
Membership of ASEDOW costs only 15€ a year.
This is your association for you to use your English.


Don't miss this week's Happy Wednesday!

Julie will be here from Britain to read you a Hallow'en story.

Then you will take something home.

Come and see what it is! OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Wednesday 29th October at 18h00 in the Common Room
Sala 1.1. Universidad Popular

Come and hear a new story and sing a song.
Every Wednesday from 18h - 18h 30.
For young children accompanied by an adult.
Membership costs 15€ a year.

Asociación Educativa Oscar Wilde
Sala 1.1.
Universidad Popular
San Sebastián de los Reyes

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

Talking group

Sala 1.1.
Universidad Popular
29th October at 18:30h

Here is one..


The talking group meets on Wednesdays at 18.30h in the Common Room to discuss pre-selected topics.
To join us you only have to pay the annual 15€ fee.
This is a good way to use all that good English you study in the classroom.
Learn from others in more ways than one as it is a very entertaining group of interesting people.

Sala 1.1.
Universidad Popular 
San Sebastián de los Reyes.
Metro Baunatal

The topic this week will be dangerous sports. If you do one please come and explain why!

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

Spot's First Walk

Hello again, children.
Happy Wednesdays are back!
We have a new adventure from an old friend -Spot! 
We have a story, a dvd and a game for you to play.

Wednesday 15th October
Sala 1.1.
18h - 18.30h
Universidad Popular

San Sebastián de los Reyes Metro Baunatal
Bring your Mum or your Dad or an auntie or uncle or grandma or grandad with you.
Wednesday's topic

The Elderly.

This is a topic I have wanted to discuss for a long time.
The situation of the elderly has changed over the last decades.
Where would you like to spend your old age? In a nursing home? A specially adapted flat?
Do we value our old people? Can they contribute more?
Read these interesting links and join our discussion on Wednesday.

Sala 1.1.

  1. 30h
    La Universidad Popular SanSebastián de los Reyes

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014


Please note that this months's get together at la Biblioteca Central de San Sebastián de los Reyes for our shared readings will be on the 21st October instead of the 14th October.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

We will be reading a story by Truman Capote. called Miriam.

The readings start at 19.15h

What will we be eating in twenty years time?

Are we what we eat?
Are we eating what we should?
This is our topic for Wednesday 8th Oct at 18.30h and these are the links Luis has sent us.

Sala 1.1.
Universidad Popular.

Join us!

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Back to normal

Hello everyone,

I hope you  had a great summer.

This summer some  interesting news items have appeared like this week's topic: Ebola
Our talks start again on Wednesday 1st Oct, at the U.P. 18:30h. You can join us!

Is the outbreak under control?
Is it risky to bring sick people to Europe?
What do you think?


miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Tenéis hasta el 30 de septiembre

Por favor enviad vuestros cuentos escritos en inglés y dibujos a ó entregalos en la the Biblioteca Central de San Sebastián de los Reyes con los siguientes datos:

El nombre de tu cuento
Tu nombre
Tus apellidos
Tu edad
Tu teléfono
El nombre de tu colegio o instituto

Grupo de edades 8 a 12 años cheque regalo FNAC
Grupo de edades 13 a 18 años cheque regalo FNAC

¡Muchas gracias!

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

'All art is quite useless'

Come to our shared readings which recommence on Tuesday 9th September
Biblioteca Central
San Sebastián de los Reyes

See you there!


lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014


Presentación del concurso de cuentos y juegos en inglés

Domingo 7 de septiembre a las 7:00 p.m.
en el forum de Fnac

IV Concurso Literario Infantil y Juvenil de la Asociación Educativa Oscar Wilde (ASEDOW)
abierto a tod@s l@s jovenes y niñ@s

Come and learn more about our association

viernes, 18 de julio de 2014



lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

Calling all young writers!!!

Premios Asociación Educativa Oscar Wilde

  Animamos a todos los jóvenes aspirantes a escritores (o no) a participar en nuestro concurso literario. 

  Mándanos un cuento original, escrito por ti en inglés y tendrás la oportunidad de ganar un cheque regalo de 40€  además de ver tu cuento publicado en un libro que entregaremos a todos los participantes.

Luego os invitaremos leerlo en público (sólo si queréis) con otros participantes. ¡Atrévete! Tienes todo el verano para hacerlo.

  Si queréis, podéis hacer alguna ilustración relativa al cuento y decirnos en qué colegio o instituto estudiáis. Estas cosas también se incluirán en nuestro libro de cuentos.

Todos los detalles de participación están en el póster abajo, que  puedes descargarlo pinchando aquí.


Do you like a good story?  How about writing one? In English?

If you write a story over the summer holidays and send it to us, you could win a prize.

This year the prize money  has gone up to 40€ in a gift token to spend on books, cds, games - whatever you want.

Please let us know the name of your school too when you send it as they deserve a mention too!

Then you will be invited to attend the prize giving  in style at
El Salón de Actos Biblioteca Central San Sebastián de los Reyes,
where we will announce the winners.

All the contestants read their stories in front of the audience  and it is a memorable occasion.

Ready? Steady? Go!

Enter the 2014 Story Competition

domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

A link to a treasure trove
Mar sent us this wonderful link where you can find all Oscar Wilde's works.

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014


On Tuesday the 10th we have our last reading at the library for this school year.

We have chosen  Gravel, a story by the Canadian writer and Nobel Prize winner

Join us  if you want to polish up your English. It is a fascinating story too.

This is a gravel pit like the one beside the trailer home in the story.

Salón de Actos
Tuesday June 10th 19:15h



Spain's highest literary award went to the Irish born author, John Banville

He will receive his prize along with a sculpture designed by Joan Miró in
Here is the cover of one of his books to look for over the summer.

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014


Rubén and Cristina are back to read another good story to all the children that want to come.

Remember, this will be the last Happy Wednesday of the school year.

Story: Here Comes The Crocodile

Activity: Make a bookmark

Hope you can all come!



John Harrison (3 April 1693– 24 March 1776) was a self-educated English carpenter and clockmaker. He invented the marine chronometer, a long-sought after device for solving the problem of establishing the East-West position or longitude of a ship at sea, thus revolutionising and extending the possibility of safe long-distance sea travel in the Age of Sail. The problem was considered so intractable, and following the Scilly naval disaster of 1707 so important, that the British Parliament offered the Longitude prize of £20,000 (comparable to £2.66 million/$4.48 million US in modern currency) for the solution.
Harrison came 39th in the BBC's 2002 public poll of the 100 Greatest Britons.
Fom Wikipaedia

Hi folks,

This time we have an interesting article from the International  press sent to us by our colleague Luis.
Read it and see what you think.
In Britain the government challenges entrepreneurs to solve  a major world problem offering a huge reward. Such a prize is a great motivation.

Or is it?
What do you think?

Join us in our discussion group
Contact us at
SALA 1.1.
Universidad Popular 4 June 18:30

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Children's time

In the picture you see a puppet but this puppet becomes a real boy.

         Do you know the story of Pinnochio?

        Wednesday 17:45h Sala 1.1.

        La Universidad Popular, Metro Baunatal

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

The Power of Addiction

There are a lot of addictive things like coffee, sports, drugs, alcohol, shopping, food such as chocolate!

Do you have any?

Do you know about addictions?

Do you agree with the videos?

Tell us next Wednesday 18,30 h.

La Universidad Popular
18:30h Sala1.1
28th May

Here is a really good link with subtitles in Spanish:

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Happy Wednesday


An old friend is back. Here he is.

Spot the dog.

We will listen to the same story again and watch a new episode on our new TV.

 Then we'll play the same game as Spot played with his mother. Do you remember?

Yes! Tig or Hide and seek.

See you at 17:45h in the Common Room.

Sala 1.1. Universidad Popular
Metro Baunatal
May 21st

Talking Group

Here are more clips on the same topic as last week as we got distracted and did not discuss this alternative tourist attraction.
Have you any places like this near your hometown?
Let's hear about it.

Wednesday 21st May 18:30 La U.P. Sanse

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Children and parents

Come on Wednesday to hear the story of Princess Aurora and wicked Maleficent.

Do you know what story it is?

Yes! Sleeping Beauty.

Then watch a videoclip from Disney and do a fun activity.

Wednesday 14th May Sala 1.1. Universidad Popular Metro Baunatal

Wednesday Talking Group

Dark Tourism

Visiting a a concentration camp on holiday seems like a contradiction in terms. What do you think?

Also, you will have the chance to talk about vegetarianism again.

Sala 1.1. 6:30 p.m. La U.P. Sanse 

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Coming up

At the Central Library

Now is the time to pick up some books to read on holiday.
You can exchange up to five books at a time and meet us too.

On Tuesday  the 13th the Reading group will be delving into  another story by Roald Dahl at 19:15 .

Tomorrow the 7th May the Talking group will meet up at 18:30 in La Universidad Popular

Here is the link to the topic:

         Bippity Boppity Boo

         The magic words

Happy Wednesday is back with the story of Cinderella.

Come to the Common Room at 17:45 and hear the story and watch the clip from Disney.

Cinderella has to be home by 12 midnight.

A good way to know what time it is is to play the game

         What's the time Mr Wolf?

Then we'll draw a picture from a story book

See you on Wednesday 7th May

Sala ASEDOW La Universidad Popular

Metro Baunatal

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Un saludo irlandés

Céad Míle Fáilte

It means you are welcome a thousand times over

Wherever you come from

Whoever you may be

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014



BOOK FAIR  26th April
This Sunday morning  from 10 a.m. to 14 p.m. you can visit the book stands in the Plaza Mayor San Sebastián de los Reyes.

The book fair is  organised by local book stores to celebrate
International Reading Day ( 23rd April)

Wednesday 30th April
Día Libre
We have a long weekend break next week as May 1st (Labour Day) and May 2nd (Madrid Day) are holidays.
There will be no activities in the Common Room on Wednesday, the eve of the holiday break.

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014


The Old Wolf And The Little Lamb
The story you will hear is about a lamb who went to a wolf's house for dinner.
Then you will play a game and make magic flowers!!!!

Children and parents are welcome to join us .
Wednesday 23rd April 2014
La Universidad Popular Sala 1.1. 17:45h.
Metro Baunatal

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014




Sala 1.1.

La Universidad Popular
Metro Baunatal

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

ASEDOW activities

ABRIL 22 19:15h
First and foremost,the monthly reading at the library has been postponed to April 22nd because we have school holidays. We will be reading Free Radicals by Alice Munro.

DON QUIXOTE April 23rd between 17h and  21h.

Don't forget to visit the Central Library again on Shakespeare's and Cervantes' birthdays
Children from local schools will be reading  aloud in Spanish Don Quijote de La Mancha in the hallway.
This  lovely tradition should be a tourist attraction.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Easter at last!

Happy Wednesday in the Common Room
ASEDOW celebrates the Easter holidays with  story, a game,and a hunt for chocolate eggs.
Mums and Dads can join in too.
Sala 1.1.
La U.P.
San Sebastián de los Reyes
Metro Baunatal
9th April at 17:45h


Sunday morning at the Botanic Garden in Madrid

We had a very informed guided tour of the gardens thanks to ASEDOW member, Encarna, who is also a member of Amigos del Jardín Botánico de Madrid.

The first surprise was to leave Atocha station and walk up C/ Alfonso X11 and see the astronomy observatory on  a hill inside the Retiro. This was when our tour started with Encarna explaining everything. We also crossed the Madrid half marathon and some of us cheered them on.

We will post the photos of all the wonderful things we saw and write some comments soon.
Thanks, Encarna for bringing together once again ASEDOW and la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas and sharing a great activity.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Easter is coming!

Talking group

From Luis a few links on the topic of TRAVEL

What would be your ideal trip?
Why do we travel?
Tell us your travel experiences and especially the most beautiful journey you've ever made.

See you next Wednesday 9th April 18:30 in sala 1.1. la U.P.  Sanse

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Happy Wednesdays

Join us! 2nd April Sala 1.1.
Universidad Popular San Sebastián de Los Reyes
Metro Baunatal.

Hear the classic tale of the three billy goats gruff and their search for nice green grass to eat.

Watch a clip of a classic playgound game...

London Bridge is Falling Down

and play it.

See you there at 17:45h

Open still  to non members, children and carers