jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

Well, that's it for the time being folks.
No more ASEDOW activities until the 8th April.

Raquel's good idea went very well and the collection of stories and memories read by the readers was interesting indeed. So much so that we will compile them and everyone will have a copy of all the stories.
It was a good challenge and maybe we can begin a St Patrick's Day tradition.

Members should renew their annual  membership.

If you want to join ASEDOW deposit 15 Euro annual membership fee  in our account at the Caixa, a bank just beside The Universidad Popular in San Sebastián De Los Reyes.
Here is the number:

2100 - 1984 - 72 - 0200130268

Write to us at asedow@gmail.com and tell us clearly the  name you want on your membership card
so that we don't make cards for the person who makes the payment, sometimes a family member. 

Happy Easter!

Remember to send us your pictures of the  Wilde flowers

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Wednesday 25th March

Happy Wednesday for small children and accompanying adult

18h La U.P.  Metro Baunatal Sala1.1. 

This TV ad will help the children pronounce the P
 really well and it will introduce you to a nice chocolate bar called Penguin for when you are feeling Peckish... in other words a bit hungry.

Come and hear another story, clip and craft  activity.

AND Now we are on to N!
And a lovely video about Nelly the elephant

The Talking Group

18h 30

The topic this week is organ donation. It is interesting that in Britain there is a shortage of organ donors whereas in Spain that is not the case.

In the links Luis has sent us, we are told that 15% on operations in the world are done with organs obtained illegally.
Write to us at asedow@gmail.com if you want to receive the links before airing your views on this interesting topic

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015



As it is the day before Father's Day, the talking group will NOT be meeting on Wednesday 18th March.

Enjoy the break!

It is St Patrick's Day on Tuesday and Día del Padre on Thursday so for this week's Happy Wednesday which is sandwiched between them, we'll commemorate both of those days.

The story we're going to read is called, You Can Always Count on Daddy.

For the activity we'll have four leafed clovers to colour in and I will have prepared some leprechaun paper puppets for the kids to take home and for them to colour in the other side if they want to.

We are onto the 'p' sound, perfect for Patrick and Papa and plenty more words beginning with a 'p'.

I'll see if I can think of an extra video clip to play as well.

So, come rain or shine, I'll be there and I hope to see you!


lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Happy Wednesday

Hi everyone,

This Wednesday we will read this lovely book, see a videoclip and draw the pet we would like to have.
Hope to see you there!


Sala 1.1. Universidad Popular San Sebastián De Los Reyes
Wednesday 5th March 2015


domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

Begging in the streets

What is your take on this social problem?
Come and air your views.
We have two talking groups. One on Wednesday and one on Friday.
Contact us at asedow@gmail.com for more information and to receive the links

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Lecturas Compartidas de Literatura en Inglés

La actividad comenzó en enero de 2012. Desde entonces, nos hemos estado reuniendo una vez al mes, de 19:15 a 21:00 en la Biblioteca Central. Se trata de una actividad coordinada entre la Asociación Educativa Oscar Wilde (www.asedow.blogspot.com) y la Biblioteca Central, San Sebastián De Los Reyes.

Durante el primer año leímos las obras de Oscar Wilde, pero después hemos estado leyendo obras de otros autores, en concreto relatos cortos que nos permiten hacer una lectura completa sobre la que poder opinar después. Una o dos semanas antes de la reunión, se comunica por correo electrónico a los asistentes cuál es el relato elegido y durante la reunión, lo leemos en voz alta, por turnos. Después de la lectura, se intercambian opiniones sobre lo que nos ha sugerido la lectura, lo que consideramos interesante, acertado o desacertado.

La próxima reunión será el martes 17 de marzo, que coincide con la festividad de San Patricio, y al ser ASEDOW una asociación muy vinculada con Irlanda, ese día vamos a salirnos del guión y vamos a hacer algo diferente. Para ese día, tenemos que traer algo que hayamos escrito nosotros, puede estar relacionado con cualquier tema, no hay nada establecido; ni si el escrito tiene que ser en primera o tercera persona…todo vale. Se trata de cambiar un poco la dinámica de la sesión.

En abril retomaremos las lecturas de los autores que hemos seleccionado para este año: Charles Dickens, Mark Twain (de los cuales ya leímos relatos), Jane Austen, Emily Brontë o John Steinbeck.


martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Wednesday 4th March

No hay actividad para los niños el primer miércoles del mes.

The talking group on Wednesday will be discussing the changing role of women in different societies.
They meet at 18h30 in Sala 1.1. 
Universidad Popular
San Sebastián de los Reyes
Contact us for the links if you want to join in the discussion