martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Happy Wednesday

Let us introduce you to Douglas the bear that loves to give bear hugs.
But nobody wants a bear hug!
Poor Douglas.
Come and hear the story, sing a song and do a drawing with Audrey.

U.P. San Sebastián De Los Reyes
Wednesday 29-04-201

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015


Rich cat . Poor cat. Come and hear the story!
Wednesday at 18h.
Small children accompanied by an adult.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Education Systems Around the World

'In Finland, Japan, Singapore, Shanghai and Hong Kong, students, parents, teachers and the public at large tend to share the belief that all students are capable of achieving high standards.

'The context is important. You cannot transpose Hong Kong's style of learning somewhere else without changing the parents, teachers and classroom architecture.'

These are two quotes from the interesting  links Luis has found for this week's discussion.

Sala la U.P.San Sebastián De Los Reyes

Wednesday 22nd April  at 18.30h

 Friday 24th at 19h

martes, 14 de abril de 2015


We hope you all enjoyed the Easter break.
Happy Wednesday is back and the story you will hear tomorrow is Billy's Bucket.
And here's a song, a traditional  song about a bucket...

That's on Wednesday 18th April at 18h.
 Room 1.1,
Lu Universidad Popular Sanse

In the same room adults can converse on the interesting topic below.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Protect your identity

One of the fastest growing crimes in the U.S.A. is identity theft.

This can involve stealing a person's social security number and then filing a fake tax return.

Or stealing their photos from the social media and using them again under a different name.

Can you imagine how difficult it is to prove your own identity?

That is our topic for discussion at La Universidad Popular San Sebastián De Los Reyes at 18.30h

Join us!

For the links write to asedow@gmail-com

martes, 7 de abril de 2015

No hay lecturas compartidas este mes de abril

Today's reading at the Biblioteca Central has been postponed until the 19th May.

We apologise for the inconvenience