miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

An exciting new app

A startup app publishing company from beautiful Barcelona has been in touch with us to show us their fabulous initiative. They are bringing classical literature to life with animation, music and voices while  using the original text.

Their latest publication is The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde. However, this is actually their second publication of Wilde's work. Their first was a set of stories, one of which was the inspiration for this association, The Selfish Giant. 

Together with The Happy Prince and The Nightingale and The Rose, these stories can be seen and viewed in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese. 



lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

This weekend In Madrid

If you are wondering what this is all about , just go along, 
The Boomsday Society and The Yeats Society will be putting on a performance of  selected readings from Yeats and Joyce at the María Pandora Café in Las Vistillas on Friday evening too. Highly recommendable. 
 In Madrid there are great, dedicated, talented actors.
See for yourself.

www.englishtheatremadrid.com   English Theatre have a new play. Don't miss it!

martes, 13 de junio de 2017

Summer Reading

Members are welcome to borrow and exchange paperbacks.
We have a nice collection. We even have The Moon and Sixpence.
We read the opening chapters even though they were pretty difficult.
Well done all of you! That title comes from another story by Somerset Maugham suggesting that  people are so preoccupied looking down for sixpence  ( a little silver coin now out of use) that they don't look up to see the moon.

The room will be open tomorrow 15th June at 19h.
Also on Friday morning at 11h
Universidad Popular San Sebastián De Los Reyes  Sala 1.1

lunes, 5 de junio de 2017


CONNECTING PEOPLE AND NATURE is the theme for this year's World Environment Day. 
Here the camera records those WOW! moments and Judith has shared them with us. So refreshing in hot Madrid!
Where is this? Do you think you know? 

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Chapeau to the two gentlemen of football!


Congratulations M.  Zidane ! 

Newcastle Utd's Rafa
And to their teams and fans of course. Another Cup in Madrid.
A good talking point could be football and the good energy it generates  and if it can play a role in world peace.