martes, 27 de octubre de 2020


Jean Monnet, one of the founders of the European Union, then known as The Common Market, was asked whether, on looking back, there was anything that he would change. He  thought and replied , ‘Yes, I think we should have begun with culture.’

These are the bare bones of a story told by the former Minister of Education for Éire, Ruairi Quinn on his visit to the Irish Embassy in Madrid some time ago.

Where to start?

With languages for example. 

With travel. 

With the UNWTO slogan of Travel, Enjoy Respect.

With stories.

With science.

With sport.

With music.

With cultural exchanges.

With gastronomy.

With films.

With respect for our differences.

Day and night are two sides of the same coin.

Hippies used to sing this song. United we stand. Divided we fall. We really have to unite on making this world a better place.

Let's work together

Brotherhood of man

Sharing some happiness

We can never underestimate the peace and love that  we share with our animal friends.

This is a middle aged dog whose owner sadly died of COVID. Ana adopted it around May, a wonderful thing to do.
Here she is wearing Ana's nephew's sunglasses. 
'This is a very cute picture from our point of view,' says Ana.
And so it is.:)

This beautiful, sleek and venerable black cat is Stephanie. 
One day Audrey will tell us how much her company has meant to Michael and herself over the years.

Below is a picture of the calm and peace our animal friends transmit.
Family dogs, Dido and Tralla.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2020