In case you are checking the blog to see what activities we are offering, here is a resumé of 2022.
So far we have discussed the Metaverse and NFTs(Non Fungible Tokens) on the suggestion of Belino who offered a fascinating glimpse into our new virtual reality with links to well documented articles.
We meet up on Wednesday evening after six on the first floor of La Universidad Popular in San Sebastián De Los Reyes where we chat informally about our news, borrow books and launch into our topic.
This Wednesday
As Spain is in dire need of some rain and people say here that if you sing badly you bring on the rain, we are going to lend a helping hand this week!
Lola has sent the words of three well known numbers. One to celebrate Carole King's 80th birthday! You've got a friend. Amazing.
The next one will be Hotel California by the Eagles and we will round off with American Pie, the reason being it was in the news recently because Taylor Swift has beaten its record as the longest hit to reach Number one in the American charts. Her song All Too Well is over ten minutes long.
Lola says she will save The Beatles for another day:)
And if you would like to join us, drop a note to