jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009



As this is a bi lingual Spanish/English initiative the contributions don't all have to be in English, you know. If you have a traveller's tale about our mutual communication difficulties you'd like to share and you'd prefer to tell it in Spanish, go ahead.

Everybody has a story

Those stories are better told of course and it would be nice to meet up and hear them. For example when my friend Mary was coming through airport controls guiltily smuggling some cheese from her holiday in Spain and a bloke approached her and asked her, 'Where's the chicken?' Oh panic stations as she vigorously denied any such contraband but he insisted in his demand and just as she was about pull it out and explain that she wasn't smuggling chicken, only cheese, her daughter came to the rescue 'Mum, what's wrong with you? ' and kindly explained to the gentleman, 'The check in's over there'

Or my husband's ability to deduce when I told him my key had fallen down a cliff-acantilado-(there are none in San Sebastián de los Reyes). that I meant drain- alcantarilla

Another friend from Spain,on her visit to Ireland, had no idea why her landlady asked her every day when she came back to the house if she had seen the shower or if she had been caught in the shower until she saw the weather forecast on TV and learned about showers of rain.