viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

Asociación Educativa Oscar Wilde

By naming the association after Oscar Wilde we raise our hats to this gentle giant because - how many of us who have read his works would like to have been the stranger who did just that, the one man among the crowd of people who raised his hat, as Wilde was being escorted to court from the prison cell handcuffed between two policemen, his head bowed?

From De Profundis:
‘I store it in the treasure house of my heart. I keep it there as a secret debt that I can never possibly repay. That lovely little silent act of love.’

Oscar Wilde’s writing is beautiful, sensitive and deeply Christian. It would be a wonderful destination for all lovers of the English language.

There is another reason why the name of Oscar Wilde is perfect.The name crosses the barriers of race, righteousness and religion. He was born in Dublin. He went to school in Northern Ireland. He was an Irish Protestant from an upperclass and highly respected family.From his mother he learnt to be proud of his Irish heritage and the social impact of literature. He went from fame to infamy and suffered the humiliation of imprisonment in England for his homosexuality. He was a master of the English language and to see, act and perform his plays may seem an impossible task for second language learners but it has been done.

Our first three events:
A children’s Halloween Party
A beautiful walk in Cercedilla
A pub quiz in San Sebastian de los Reyes

They give a taste of things to come and reflect the spirit of the association, also reflected in our logo.
Lifelong learning in a relaxed environment.

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