domingo, 19 de junio de 2011


First, mention how impressed we were with the prizewinners, Marta, Eva and Ainoa, who read their stories with such aplomb for the audience.

18th June

Spanish Irish Business Network organised a very nice picnic to celebrate Bloomsday in the Retiro Park and to raise money for Lorca on Saturday morning. The Patron of Lorca is St Patrick so the picnic was a good occasion to contribute to the Spanish Red Cross Earthquake Appeal.

Bloomsday is an annual commemoration held every 16th June to celebrate the life of Irish writer James Joyce and relive episodes of his novel Ulysses.

17th June

A wonderful celebration of James Joyce's Ulysses in words and music held in the Centro Gallego on the previous evening raised money for the charity Luces Rojas in India too.

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