domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014

Talking group


An English teacher in1966 saw that John Lennon would be making a film in Almería - ‘How  I won the war’ and left his hometown of Cartagena to visit him. The reason was to thank him because Juan, the English teacher,  used the Beatle songs to help  teach  his classes and he had copied the lyrics into his exercise books and he hoped John would  correct them for him. Well, John corrected the lyrics in different coloured markers and promised he would get the record company to publish the words of the songs on the albums from then on. Sgt Pepper was the first with published lyrics.  The famous Beatle also stayed in touch and planned to visit Juan one day in Cartagena.
The story has been made into a film and can be seen in Spanish cinemas now.
'Vivir es fácil con los ojos cerrados'
Here is a link from Luis on John Lennon.
The other link describes the 'Beatlemania' of the time.

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