jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016


It is a pleasure and honour to count on the support of the Irish Embassy in Madrid and that Ann Marie, their Cultural Attaché, found the time in a very busy schedule and time of year  to be there to congratulate the winners and hand out the prizes along with the booklets and diplomas to all the participants. We are so grateful for that and for her warm speech.

We were delighted to welcome back Iván who entered the contest for the third time and is now making his way as an actor and to meet new writers like Javier whose own stories will be published soon in Spanish.

There is nothing like Irish music to lighten the spirits so with the background music of 'Breaking Trad,' we eased the tension before announcing the winners

Ángel read his winning story with its poignant ending and later told us how interesting he found the challenge. Inside the booklet there are words from Katie, commending this year's two winners, Ángel for The Path of Life and Sofía for  The Beginning of the Wizarding World.

We hope the other participants who attended the event enjoyed it too.

We were also accompanied by María Jesús, the director of the library and by Raquel, a member of its staff  who has been vital in the instigation of our monthly readings in la Biblioteca Central.

In such company we felt very happy and wish to thank all of you who attended for being there and sharing this moment.
We also had a visit from the local TV station Canal Norte and they recorded some words from our wonderful Secretary, Ascen. A bad bout of flu kept Belén, our Councillor for Education  away but she spoke to Ascen and sent us good wishes.


José designed the beautiful booklet but couldn't be there because he is at this moment in Plaza España where he has a stall in the Christmas Artisan's Fair selling his special jewellery.

A word of thanks to the new company Mi Color Favorito for printing the books so well.

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