domingo, 1 de octubre de 2017

October 4th

Audrey writes:

Here's a reminder that last week, we talked about the numerous associations that have sprung up in our area and what motivates them: gatherings of like-minded people who would like to make a difference to the community they live in and bring people together. Asedow is the first of two English speaking associations along with Gallego, Chinese, Arabic as the other languages represented up to now in San Sebastían de los Reyes.

We also spoke about a type of association called the Women's Institute which has been thriving in English speaking countries for over 100 years. It originated in Canada then in Britain, during First World War when women used to make jams in their homes for the Women's Institute  to increase food supplies during the food rationing that was in place during those years and was repeated during the Second World War and has carried on ever since and has grown in its influence.     

Here is a link to read more about that or simply scroll down to see a couple of old photos.

This week's topic has a short but intriguing link. Please watch it before you come!

We look forward to catching up with those members who have been
away up until to now :) 

Write to us at
Come to our talks Wednesday 4th October 19h 
Universidad Popular San Sebastián De Los Reyes

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