lunes, 2 de julio de 2018

A natural approach to language learning

In San Sebastián De Los Reyes there is a place where you can enjoy a bit of company and browse through a nice collection of DVDs and books. A place for English speakers and English learners.


More books

Nothing can replace good instruction. It is a myth that you speak a language fluently after spending six months in a country. If you want to speak it correctly, you have to go to classes. But as Stephen Krashen says, ´Ít should be possible for second language acquirers to spend a great deal of time reading books and magazines, watching TV shows and films they are really interested in. Such a facility should be open to the public, to make it possible for anyone to get comprehensible input in the second language of their choice.´


More DVDs

We have such a  facility and we have gone a step further because in the same space we have weekly discussions where you can swop ideas with very interesting people.
To borrow our books and join the discussions you need to  become a member which only costs 15 Euros a year.

Nice to see you again!

Our small  party

Things that we get up to

Picture on door with a dedication from Juana;))

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