jueves, 30 de enero de 2020

Foreign language learning

With English now the lingua franca why would an English speaker need to learn a foreign language?

People do it for fun and nowadays  it is made easy for you… apparently there are sites like Rosetta Stone and Glossika where you can learn a language in the comfort of your home.

Here, in Spain, there is a wonderful public institution that teaches up to 23 languages. La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escuela_Oficial_de_Idiomas
The E.U. ideal of lifelong learning is embraced here.

Language learning teaches respect for other cultures.

With the U.K. leaving the E.U. this is a good opportunity to promote Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Italian to start off with. 
There could be open spaces which  encourage language learning in every village and town.

In our discussion yesterday we acknowledged that sometimes bureaucratic English sounds like gobbledygook to the native English speaker but it  gets the job done.
We also noted that in the past Latin and French were the dominant languages.
Things change.

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