domingo, 5 de abril de 2020


People are doing really interesting things. We want to share the artistic endeavours of our friends and family on our blog.
Here to start off you can enjoy photos by one of our members, Luis.



Biddy’s nephew in Malta, Jonathan writes paints and produces films but now has felt the need to express his thoughts about what is happening to us.



Josephine Olivia, Biddy’s niece from The U.S.A. knows how to travel on a shoestring, how to avoid the crowds and yet see all the must see places.
She is a great travelling companion as you will see.
Then, as you know,  all travelling came to a standstill.



This video comes from Artist In Residence Nacho Paswal  or Ignacio Muñoz Pascual  who hails from San Sebastián De Los Reyes.
Take 30 minutes to watch it. He has great faith in his gourds’ ability to infect the world with a new virus that will save not only the planet but mankind.


Luis has suggested this link to all the past exhibitions in the Juan March Foundation such as the one we attended three years ago about the Arts & Crafts movement in Britain. Here you will be able to browse through their publications

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