jueves, 30 de mayo de 2024

There are two sides to every story

 Shi Huangdi. The name of the Chinese Emperor who ordered history books to be burnt. He wanted history to begin with himself.

‘El Infinito En Un Junco’ has many interesting facts. This book recommendation came up in our talks  yesterday.

Papyrus plant Egypt

We touch on many subjects.

Yesterday we began by talking about the terrible plight of the people in Palestine and ended up talking about Peruvian oral tradition.

We had the same oral tradition in Ireland. Academics have been responsible for rescuing languages that were in danger of extinction, places where they did not use the written word to pass down folk memory.

Lady Jane Wilde, the mother of Oscar, was a Gaelic speaker. She helped collect the memory of the Irish people in her written publications and this goodness of spirit on her part no doubt contributed to her son’s humanity, empathy and storytelling ability.

Our conversations weave in and out effortlessly, making connections.

To join us, write to asedow@gmail.com

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