domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

T.S. Eliot in Alcobendas

On Sunday evening a group of us got together and listened to a beautiful reading of T.S. Eliot's poetry.

Julie Davies and Jonathan Mellor have worked together to bring to the stage Harold Pinter plays.

Having them interpret The Wasteland, The Love Song of J. Prufrock, The Hollow Men was a privilege.

Eliot proved to be an excellent choice and suited the mood of these grey days we are living in right now.

We also had fun listening to some light hearted poems which were written by T.S. Eliot and inspired the musical Cats

Julie and Jonathan enjoyed the perfomance immensely, as did Nacho and Federico of El indio Mocaqua and we look forward to organizing more events of this nature.

So far in the association we've had Halloween party for children, a nature walk, a pub quiz and a poetry reading of the highest standard. I'm sure more good things will come of it.

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