miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Iré a Santiago

 You left the theatre with  that  mantra of hope and evasion ringing in your ears .
Thanks to the young talent of Irene Escolar and the magnificent performance of Will Keen  we feasted on the verses of the immortal Federico García Lorca.
 An intense hour and one quarter that flew by. It was not easy. This was not the Lorca I remembered of the Romancero gitano and the dark staccato- like drama  I saw performed in the Abbey Theatre in Dublin. These verses were rendered in English and Spanish. The two actors'  brilliant delivery will send us back to our bookshelves to relive the performance.
A letter written by the poet when he was at la Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid was read on stage We heard  how much he loved his life in Madrid where he was able to  live his Art.
A touching finale.
Impossible not to remember Oscar Wilde and to smile and to weep.

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